Gunslinger stratos characters
Gunslinger stratos characters

gunslinger stratos characters
  1. #Gunslinger stratos characters Ps4
  2. #Gunslinger stratos characters Pc

In his introduction to The Shootist (1976), author Glendon Swarthout says "gunslinger" and "gunfighter" are modern terms, and the more authentic terms for the period would have been "gunman", "pistoleer", "shootist," or "bad man" (sometimes written as "badman").

gunslinger stratos characters gunslinger stratos characters

The word was soon adopted by other Western writers, such as Zane Grey, and became common usage. In this case Gunslinger Stratos shows a surface battle and fantasy and science fiction package, but underneath it is really the story of how there are two versions of us living inside us all the time.The term "gun slinger" was used in the Western film Drag Harlan (1920). Two versions that do not like each other. Our environments shape us to some extent, and to some extent we are shaped by the people around us, and to a small degree we have some innate core of self that interacts with the environment and people around us to create the person we are. In this case there are two very different environments, and those different environments combine with different versions of the same friends as they wrap around the inner self to create paired different versions of all of the characters. Yes, it goes overboard sometimes, but it also needs to do so as a means of camouflage as the inner story unwraps.

gunslinger stratos characters

We don't want preachy "look inside yourself" stories, but add weapons and violence and emotional buffering and battering, and you can slip the inner story under the threshold and make it something to consider. As just a shoot'em up it is barely better than average, but with the inside story, the relationships in each of the two worlds, and how the two worlds are each real in different ways- that really works. It is not really a spoiler, but the final reconciliation is a nifty tear-jerker, and has a beautiful bit of bite that is amusing. In summary, the outer story is okay, the inner story is far, far better.

  • BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger (November 19, 2008), Arcade.
  • #Gunslinger stratos characters Pc

    Later released for PS3 and Xbox 360 in 2009, and for PSP and PC in 2010. BlazBlue: Continuum Shift (November 20, 2009), Arcade.Later released for PS3 and Xbox 360 in 2010. BlazBlue: Continuum Shift II (December 9, 2010), Arcade.BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend (September 2011), Arcade.Later released for PSP, 3DS, Xbox 360, and PS3 in 2011. Later released for PS3, PS Vita, and Xbox 360 in 2011, for PSP in 2012, and for PC in 2014. BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma (November 21, 2012), Arcade. BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma 2.0 (October 9, 2014), Arcade.Later released for PS3 in 2013, and for PS Vita in 2014. BlazBlue: Central Fiction (November 19, 2015), Arcade.Later released as BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma Extend for PS3, PS4, Xbox One, and PS Vita in 2015, and for PC in 2016.

    #Gunslinger stratos characters Ps4

    Later released for PS3 and PS4 in 2016, for PC in 2017, and as BlazBlue: Central Fiction Special Edition for Nintendo Switch in 2019. BlazBlue: Battle X Battle (January 27, 2010), DSiWare. BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle (May 31, 2018), PS4, Nintendo Switch, and PC.BlazBlue Revolution Reburning (July 7, 2015), iOS and Android.BlazBlue: Battle Cards (April 30, 2015), iOS.BlazBlue: Battle x Puzzle (June 27, 2014), Android.BlazBlue: Clone Phantasma (December 26, 2012), 3DS.BlazBlue Mobile Battle (August 19, 2010), Mobile devices.Known as BlayzBloo: Super Melee Brawlers Battle Royale outside Japan. BlazBlue: Variable Heart (DecemMarch 9, 2018).īlazBlue: Alter Memory (OctoDecember 24, 2013).BlazBlue: Remix Heart (FebruSeptember 9, 2014).BlazBlue: Chimelical Complex (FebruDecember 15, 2011).BlazBlue: Spiral Shift – Hero of the Frozen Blade (October 20, 2016).BlazBlue: Bloodedge Experience (JNovember 20, 2014).BlazBlue: Continuum Shift (AugJanuary 18, 2014).BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger (JanuMay 18, 2013).BlazBlue: Phase Shift (ApSeptember 20, 2012).BlazBlue Alternative: Dark War (2018), iOS and Android.Crossover with Persona 4 Arena, Under Night In-Birth, and RWBY.

    Gunslinger stratos characters